
ke článku: Dětský tábor "Pančava" 2008
ze dne 25.02.2008, autor článku: Tom

Komentář ze dne: 20.04.2015 04:45:04
Autor: ralph lauren bedding (123456@qq.com)
Titulek: http://www.ralphlaurenbeddingoutlets.com
It was now seven o��clock in the evening. The next event was the arrival of another officious visitor. The new friend in need belonged to the legal profession �� he was an advocate named Friley. Monsieur Friley��s legal instincts led him straightway to a conclusion which seriously advanced the progress of events. Having heard the statement of Madame Duparc and her daughter, he decided that it was his duty to lodge an information against Marie before the Procurator of the king, at Caen. The Procurator of the king is, by this time, no stranger to the reader. He was the same Monsieur Revel who had taken such an amazingly strong interest in Marie��s fortunes, and who had strongly advised her to try her luck at Caen. Here then, surely, was a friend found at last for the forlorn maid of all work. ��We shall see how Monsieur Revel acted, after Friley��s information had been duly lodged. His next proceeding was

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